Thursday, October 11, 2012


This site has fun, creative activities for this Halloween season ranging from Jack-o-lantern paper plate masks to ghost necklaces!

Pressing Flowers!,3983

Pressing flowers is crazy fun! And on of my fondest memories as a child! :D
This site gives you step by step instructions of this fun activity!


These are cute easy to make stamps that you can use to decorate books and fabric or anything depending on the paint or ink you use!

Colouring in Pages!

This web link connects you to a site which has hundreds of different colouring in pages! These are a creative non-messy way to keep the kids occupied on those rainy holidays!

Toilet Paper Animals!

This site has heaps of cool templates for toilet paper roll animals!

These animals are a fun way to recycle old toile tissue rolls plus they look cool!